Sunday, January 16, 2011

Our First Christmas

Our first Christmas together was perfect! We had our first Christmas tree! We had so much fun decorating it together. We also got to decorate the house together for the holidays. I am really big on holidays and I LOVE decorating and adding something special.

I made our first stockings! Our childhood stockings stay at our parents' homes, so we needed our own "adult" stockings. After seeing a few at stores (yuck!) and online (ok) I decided to make ours (silly me- don't know why I didn't think of that right away). This is what they look like. They were so simple! I just used cloth I already had for my other projects. My husband picked his fabric and I picked mine. 3 different patterns each. Then I made them reversible. I added vintage baubles from an irreparable vintage sweater I had. My husband wanted his simple. Just the fabric. My husband says they are SOOO much nicer and more special than anything we would have bought- thanks hubby! Here's how they turned out: